Thursday, August 27, 2009

Seriously? 3 Dead in Israeli Tunnel Attack?

I thought G-d forbid there had been a pegua (terrorist attack). Nope, just the opposite!

Three dead in Israel tunnel attack
Aug 25 - Isreali aircraft bombed a smuggling tunnel in Gaza, killing three Palestinians, following a day of renewed cross-border violence.
Read full story from Reuters

Wow, I'm so sorry. So, 3 Palestianian TERRORISTS were smuggling arms into Israel in order to KILL JEWS and we killed them while trying to apprehend them. My heart cries for them. Seriously. I mean, they were brutally ATTACKED by people trying to protect little me in my apartment while trying to do something illegal and WRONG.

Is it just me or is this story horrifically backwards?

Oh, I forgot. Sorry. Jews aren't allowed to defend themselves. Can I puke now?

1 comment:

  1. I love how she mentions only the Palestinian dead during the recent Gaza offensive, but makes no mention of the years of rocket fire from Gaza that lead to the attack, oh yeah, we have to show the Palestinians in a favorable light, because their brothers who do nothing for them have oil, can I puke now as well?
