Hard to believe that all this time beginning with the 3 weeks of mourning, to the 6 weeks of consolation, which includes Elul, and then the 10 Days of Repentance, and Sukkos...it's all over. Today is Hoshanah Rabbah, the last day of Sukkos.
On Rosh Hashanah, the judgment for the new year is written, on Yom Kippur it is sealed, and on Hoshanah Rabbah the angels are dispatched to begin instituting the new din (judgment). This is it!
On Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, we say - yell more like - during davening:
Tefillah (prayer), tzedakah (charity) u'teshuvah (repentance) turns over the negative decree!
I realized on Rosh Hashanah that this is k'neged (corresponds) to the 3 ways we are supposed to serve Hashem, and didn't - or should do better - in the Shema:
B'chol livavcha - with all your heart - your heart went away from Hashem. So now, be involved in "avodah she'b'lev" - service of the heart - prayer - and turn your heart back to Hashem (where it belongs)
B'chol nafshecha - with all your soul - this is teshuvah. By applying the SCAR treatment (stopping the bad act, confessing, apologizing, and resolving to do better) we return our souls to G-d
B'chol meodecha - with all your might - the commentators say this is with all your money. Well, maybe you weren't so perfect with this last year, so now you can give tzedakah!
Today is the last day to apply this and change the din for the entire year. From here on out, don't worry, they still work - but only to change the effect of the din, not to change the din itself (for example, if you are set to make $25K this year, that $25K can go a very long way, or not at all c'v, but you will make $25K no matter what).
So, gmar chasima tova!
BTW It is an interesting question - if everything ends on Hoshanah Rabbah, what is Shemini Atzeret all about? Who needs it! In short, Hashem says "hey, don't leave so fast...it's 6 long months to Pesach and I want one more day with you - just you and me!"