In Chutz LaAretz, there are some people (mostly Chassidim) who do hakafos on Shemini Atzeret.
Here in Israel, people do second hakafos after the chag is over! Basically every shul has dancing with music - the air is electric. At least here where you can hear everything, it feels like music is blasting from every corner of the city. The joy is so palpable.
BTW, it's a little weird to go from Sukkos right into Simchas Torah without Shemini Atzeret first, but it makes so much more sense. There is no one day break where you don't do much that is special - it's just a continuation of the big party, and the gigantic culmination! And when really the entire city is off for Chag Sameach and there are parties everywhere, every single night, and then really the entire city is celebrating Simchas Torah, and everywhere you walk you can hear hakafos in progress, no one is in the street (except those that are dancing!) - I can't describe it! The floor at the shul last night was literally vibrating.
Off to wear my shoes out!
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