Wednesday, July 01, 2015


I don’t want to just constantly quote Rabbi Brody, but he has really been spot-on.


In case you missed it, here is the alarming article about this coming Erev Rosh Hashanah – the end of a Shmitta year has brought a major financial “correction” every time for the last 5+ Shmittas!


Then you have an emuna op-ed:


And then this one about the Obamanation - yes he wants to make this place an Obama Nation all right.


And now his recent post: Yup our defense minister would be a lot better off worrying about defending our country than arguing in favor of gay marriage here in Israel Hashem yishmor. Including our number 1 defense system, which is Hashem – and our number 1 spiritual defense through which Hashem protects us - which is kedusha.


The world is becoming more polarized, and Rabbi Brody explains why – the time for sitting on the fence is over. Hashem is separating those who will follow Him no matter what the world does and at the very least WANT to do His will (regardless of our human failings) and those who could care less. Middle ground is becoming harder and harder to find.


The biggest thing that each one of us can do is to really starting praying about becoming more holy and doing our best by taking on one new aspect of kedusha – holiness. Doing more to guard our eyes, guard our hearts, guard our minds from the filth around us, and be more modest in our ways and our dress and most importantly to ask Hashem that we should be more holy, to increase our level of holiness every day. In Hebrew, Rabbi Arush says it like this: “Zakeini l’hosif l’kedusha yom yom.” We cannot begin to imagine what the tiniest increase in holiness does for the Jewish people and the world. How much it protects us. Rabbi Arush says that if you hear sirens in the streets, it is because the women are not modest…and goes even further, stating that just all Jewish women dressing modestly would bring us the redemption immediately!!!

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