Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Anti-Semitism wrap up for the day

Let's do an anti-Semitism (AKA Kill the Jews) wrap up just from skimming today's news, with some best of excerpts:


Holland: http://www.mpaths.com/2014/08/muslims-attacking-jews-in-amsterdam.html  - "Death to the Jews, Netanyahu is the devil , don't buy from the Jews, boycott all Israeli products." Now you know what divestment is REALLY all about! (don't forget to check out the story of how the Muslims tried to kill Jewish kids while the police watched and did nothing -RT)


LA: http://www.jewishjournal.com/hollywood/article/a_hate_incident_against_elon_gold - We all know too well, that “Free Palestine” means free Palestine from every Jew. As they chant “Free Palestine, from the river to the sea.” That doesn’t mean they want a two state solution, they want Hitler’s final solution and a Jew-free middle east. (two states don't fit between the river and the sea, that's all of Israel BTW -RT)


Australia: http://www.jewishjournal.com/world/article/israeli_rabbi_attacked_visiting_mall_in_australia  - “The wider community needs to know that Jews around the world are being affected because they are Jews,” Mayer said.


Chicago: http://www.breslev.co.il/articles/society/jewish_world/chicagos_summer_of_hate.aspx?id=26518&language=english - They also bullied a Jewish classmate, telling him to “get into an oven and put on striped pajamas.” Several of the bullies were given only a one-day in-school suspension.


Every day I feel like I’m screaming into thin air – wake up and get out! To quote one of the articles:

Yes, Israel has been under attack. But throughout the world’s long bloody history of war, it’s only the Jewish Land of Israel that could miraculously absorb thousands of deadly missiles with extremely few casualties.

Could the same thing be said for communities outside of Israel?


It's time for Aliya - the sooner the better.


I couldn’t have said it better myself. In Israel Hashem is the Guardian. Everywhere else – just look at the police doing nothing. Who would you prefer watching over you? They both have proven track records over history – one does a great job, the other at some point or another, even joins in killing Jews. Hmmmm. That took me a long time.


Remember that one fine day before WWII, passports ready no longer helped. The ones who survived got out while the goyim were only (mostly) talking. Generally, once they come out in the open about what the intend to do, the generally then attempt to do it.

Monday, August 25, 2014

How about CH"L Summer of Hate?



WOW - I knew it was bad in Chicago. I didn't realize that it was THAT BAD. Wake up, my friends, please. It's true that bombs are raining down on us here. But here we have incredible miracles protecting us. Thousands of missiles and unimaginably, not hundreds, not tens, not thousands, not hundreds of deaths. We certainly mourn each martyr who surely was a sacrifice to save many more. But it is still incredibly safer to live here than anywhere else, where open miracles are not happening. Where virulent, open anti-Semitism (that sounds so nice, so PC, hey I'm not a Semite - much nicer than the little boy told to get into striped pajamas and hop in an oven or the Hitlerwasright hashtag) is becoming more and more commonplace. I'm very, very afraid. History shows that once the goyim come out and start telling the Jews what they intend to do, generally, they attempt to do it. GET OUTTA THERE WHILE YOU STILL CAN!!!
Remember one fine day just before WWII broke out...it was too late already. And even a passport didn't help. The ones who survived got out now, while the goyim were only (mostly) talking. They didn't care what they left behind, they were refugees and they cared most of all about living...
Living in Israel is paradise, if only you recognize that the Baal Habayit (Master of the House) is Hashem and strengthen your emuna. Adjustments must be made, but I'll take them any day than having to live under conditions like in Chi town!!!

Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is death! That proverbial ostrich – guess what, it gets killed. Wake up calls are meant to wake us up, to the truth, whatever the ramifications of that truth might be. Reality might bite – but if you deal with it, you only get bit once.



Sunday, August 10, 2014

For those in CH"L

Rabbi Lazer Brody Lazer Brody back in Operation Cast Lead said - rockets don't fall on Israel and the Jews outside the land sit on their laurels. If the Jews in the land suffer, the Jews outside the land must also suffer, albeit by other means.

This is part of what it means to be part of am Yisrael, which is really one nation and like one body.

So what is happening...anti-Semitic everything all over the world. Calgary, Toronto, Montreal...Chicago...France is on fire literally...Sweden...Germany...there is much more...

Now, where would you rather be?

In the land, Hashem is working incredible miracles (THANK YOU HASHEM) and despite incredible attempts by Hamas, everyone is OK. There are sirens, people are scared, but we are united and protected by Shomer Yisrael.

Outside the land, there are not such revealed miracles. There are goyim protesting, rioting and drawing swastikas and worse, everywhere - whether you currently see it or not. And if this conflict continues in Israel, Hashem have mercy, you will see the goyim around the world continue to go more anti-Zionist aka anti-Semitic and it will become even more dangerous to be a Jew. Already those in France who just made aliyah say - better to be in a bomb shelter than afraid to walk out on the street!

Rashi zt"l whose yahrtzeit is today says in his commentary on the Torah that the pit Yosef's brothers threw him into was empty of water, meaning it had snakes and scorpions. What kind of yeshua is that - so instead of the brothers killing him, a snake or scorpion will? Except they don't! He is taken out alive to be sold to the Ishmaelim. How is that??? He again comments, as David Hamelech writes in Tehillim - better to be in the hands of Hashem than to be in the hands of other people.

Again, with that in mind, where would you rather be - here in Israel in the hands of Hashem, where HaRav Arush says we are completely protected, this is all a big kaparah and for the purpose of mass teshuva...or outside the land, in the hands of the goyim whose hands are already filled with blood, without outright miracles to protect you???


Rain in Iyar is bracha

This is amazing. Do you remember it rained in Iyar this year? Look what HaShem gave us with this geshme bracha!

Miracles to and via Badatz Mashgihim
Badatz Mashgihim needed to find wheat fields whose wheat was not invalid for Shemura Matza and due to the rain around Shavuot time, many wheat fields were invalid.  These Mashgihim were forced to go to fields far away - close to Kibbutz Sufa with other G-d-fearing Jews with tractors to harvest the wheat.  During their work, there were many rocket attacks.  Miraculously, no Mashgihim were hurt doing their holy work.  When they found out later about the tunnel infiltration by terrorists that happened in the area, and that the IDF spotted them and thwarted their plan, the Mashgihim knew what had occurred.  The terrorists' plan was to hide in the very tall wheat that was near the opening of the tunnel, but to their surprise, the tall wheat was gone - it was cut a few days earlier by these people cutting wheat for next year's Matza.  And in fact, one of the farmers in the area called up the Mashgihim and based the entire miracle on the merit of cutting wheat for Matza for Pesah.  ושמרתם את המצות has a whole new meaning now.


HaRav Arush on Moshiach

Rabbi Arush spoke about Moshiach in his shiur last Wednesday that I attended. The following is an outline of his words, translated from the Hebrew.
First he mentioned that many people have been asking about Moshiach coming. He was very funny about it, actually, imitating them: “What’s with Moshiach coming? Why hasn’t he come yet? Things are so hard!” He said yes, things are very hard…but we do not want Moshiach now! We do not understand what Moshiach coming is. He said that part of his avodat Hashem right now, is that he is connected to Moshiach every time he prays, literally in everything he does, he is connected to Moshiach…but Klal Yisrael is not ready for this.
Then he mentioned a story he heard from Rabbi Dovid Stern shlita, and confirmed by another person who was there at the time, that happened to Rabbi Yehuda Zev Leibovitz zt”l. Rabbi Arush said one day, a group of tzaddikim nistarim (hidden righteous men) came to Rabbi Leibovitz, and he knew what they wanted – to agree to let Moshiach come. He said to Aaron his helper – “Tell me, what he in the Holocaust?” Aaron said no. “And was he in the Holocaust?” Again, no. And for all the tzaddikim the answer was the same. Then Rabbi Leibovitz said: “Well I was in the Holocaust and far be it from me to agree to let one Jew suffer because of my decision!”
Then Rabbi Arush mentioned that if Rabbi Leibovitz had agreed, Moshiach would have revealed himself right then. But he did not agree, because Am Yisrael was not ready, and still is not ready. And then he said very strongly, looking right at the people listening to him: “Have you done true teshuva today? Are you doing a real cheshbon nefesh every day? Are you doing hitbodedut every day – one hour is just the minimum! How can you receive the face of Moshiach???”
It was very strong and very clear…we don’t want Moshiach until all of Klal Yisrael can say “yes” to that question. Because once Moshiach comes a person cannot move up levels…wherever they are, that is where they stay. And if you can't stand to see the face of Moshiach... “We do not want another Shoah!!!”