Saturday, October 31, 2009

Rain in Jerusalem

It was so beautiful erev Shabbos. We had been praying for rain and although it was finally cooler and partly cloudy, we had only had enough to get everything muddy and dirty. I came home from my walk and took a shower, and then a friend called. She nonchalantly asked me how I liked the rain.

Rain, what rain? (thankfully I am very shielded in my little corner and have great windows)
So I opened the window and it was pouring!

Well I had just taken a shower, so a little water wouldn't hurt me. I went into the little chatzer (shared space) in my building, protected from the street, and started singing in my head and dancing in the rain. It was a blast.

Then I went out to run some erev Shabbos errands and discovered that my little walking street with steps was now a river! It was OK since I had my boots but it was pretty funny.

The rain had stopped by candlelighting but it was really fun and beautiful. Today was 60's and partly cloudy and such a nice break! A little fall weather in the end of October - what a concept!

1 comment:

  1. Why haven't you updated your blog in forever? I've been waiting for an update in months!
