Saturday, August 08, 2009

Sheez - Shidduch Craziness

I just got a phone call from Ilan from Bet Shemesh. He tries to talk to me and asks me if I speak Hebrew.

I told him - if you knew me, you would know I only speak a little Hebrew! You must have the wrong number - and hung up.

He called back. He gives the phone to his friend who speaks better English. I ask him - who are you looking for and why are you calling?

Oh, David gave Ilan your number. Ilan is looking for a shidduch.

OK, now I've had some crazy taxi drivers want to know my specs for a shidduch, but this was beyond the pale. I told him I wasn't interested and then prompty got on the phone with David and told him not to give out my phone number without permission under any circumstances.

Now I'm sure you're wondering - well, who is David and how did he have your number in the first place? I mean, you're a good girl!

David was the exterminator who killed the fleas in my apartment. :-)

Hashem, thanks for thinking of me - can you help me get to some REAL shadchanim please???


  1. Love this story! :)

  2. Hooold it now. You never know. "Real" Shadchanim most often don't have your best interest at heart, they have theirs at heart first and foremost. At least "regular" people are thinking only of you. I know, Israelis can be really annoying. But they are the most generous and thoughtful people on the planet. Hashem may be working toward your happiness by this kind of coincidence-making. You never know.

  3. Admitedly, I've never gone through the shidduchim thing, but I'm guessing a "real" shidduch can come from the most surprising shadchans. Even well meaning exterminators...who should ask permission before giving out young single girls phone numbers. Is Israel really so much more innocent than here?
